My reader hit the nail right on the head: More After-sales support, more customer support, more focus on customer satisfaction. 我的读者说得一针见血:要给予更多的售后支持与更多的客户支持,同时要更加关注顾客的满意度。
A reader sent me an internal memo from her head of HR, complete with misplaced apostrophes and singular subjects matched with plural verbs. 一位读者发给我一份来自她的人力资源主管的内部备忘录,里面充斥着撇号使用不当和单数主语搭配复数动词的现象。
When swiping the card from the slot of the card reader, the magnetic head in the reader will get the information recorded in the magnetic card. By decoding, the master chip stores the decoded information to be read in into memory. 将磁条卡在读卡器的刷卡槽内刷过,这时磁条卡读卡器内的磁头获取磁条卡信息并通过解码,将信息存储到主控芯片的存储器中,等待读取。